Starting May 15th: Drop-in tango classes with Luz Castineiras

We are so happy to welcome instructor Luz Castineiras back to La Bruja to teach the fundamentals of tango. This class is open to total beginners and to anyone who wants to work on their fundamentals. If you just started tango in Felipe and Ayano’s series, we recommend this class. No partner or pre-registration required; just show up!

After the beginner class, Luz teaches milonga! Luz is a master of milonga, both as a leader and a follower. In this class, she explains the differences between body movement in tango and in milonga, which apply even to the most basic steps. She also shows us some of the super-fun milonga figures in her repertoire.

These classes are taught as “leaders” and “followers” and are inclusive to folks of all genders, non-binary & LGBTQ+. Role-switching is welcome.

Wednesdays, May 15th, 22nd, & 29th:
7:00-8:00 pm beginner class
8:00-8:30 pm practica
8:30-9:30 pm milonga class
9:30-10:00 pm practica

We encourage everyone to stay, dance, and ask questions during the practica. Milonga-class students: try to arrive at 8:00!

Drinks are available across the hall at Morgan’s Bar and Lounge. All ages are welcome in the dance classes.

$20 general admission, single class (cash only)
$15 for students with ID, single class (cash only)
$35 for both classes in one night (cash only)

We hold tango classes every Wednesday at the Berkeley City Club. Luz’s class is Wednesdays, May 15th-29th and also Wednesdays, June 19th- July 10th. On Wednesdays, June 5th and 12th, Felipe and Ayano will be teaching.

Berkeley City Club
2315 Durant Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94704

Event organized by Lindsey Newbold