Cancelled: Musicality Workshop with Facundo Lázzari and La Juan D’Arienzo, Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Join us before the milonga with Orquesta Tipica La Juan D’Arienzo for a musicality workshop with Facundo Lázzari and La Juan D’Arienzo (all of them!). This event is primarily a talk, but it also includes live musical performance, so bring your shoes. Get to know the musicians and ask them your questions!

Monday, March 23rd
6:30-8:00 pm
Tickets $20 (Available on Eventbrite or with cash at the door.)

La Juan D’Arienzo debuted in 2012 and won the Premio Tango for Best Orchestra in 2018. It is made up of four bandoneons, three violins, a double bass, and a piano. The Orquesta plays music in the style of the later years of the original Juan D’Arienzo orchestra, with all of its energy and rhythm. The Orquesta’s first bandoneonist and artistic director, Facundo Lázzari, inherited the orchestra name from his grandfather, Carlos Lázzari, first bandoneonist and arranger of the original Juan D’Arienzo orchestra.

The workshop begins with a history of the original Juan D’Arienzo orchestra, including its founder, its development, and its influence on tango music. The second part of the workshop goes into detail about the musical techniques that give the Juan D’Arienzo its distinctive sound, including “marcato,” “the 4th string,” “variations,” and the role of soloists. The musicians demonstrate these techniques and explain how they differ from those of other historic tango orchestras. Finally, the musicians play pieces from their repertoire.

Listen here:

The restaurant and bar at the Berkeley City Club are closed on Mondays.

The workshop takes place at the Berkeley City Club. The milonga takes place at the Pauley Ballroom at UC Berkeley, which is three blocks away. Milonga tickets are sold separately by the Argentine Tango Club of Berkeley. There is no non-member parking at the Berkeley City Club. It is a 10-minute walk from Downtown Berkeley BART.

The closest UC Berkeley parking garages are Lower Sproul Parking Garage and RSF Parking Garage, which offer parking at $2/hour until 2:00 am. Other nearby commercial parking lots are Trinity Parking Lot (2362 Bancroft Way), 2558 Bancroft Way, and 2315 Ellsworth Street Garage @ the Metropolitan.

Questions: Please do not attempt to buy workshop tickets with Paypal.