August-September 2022: Anahí Carballo

Anahí Carballo is a queer tango and folklore dancer, choreographer, teacher, and director originally from Cordoba, Argentina. In addition to teaching tango and folklore since 2014, she is the founder, director, teacher and choreographer of Tango Entre Mujeres, an all-women’s tango school in Buenos Aires. A highly sought-after DJ, Anahí plays music at various folklore events (peñas) and milongas throughout Buenos Aires.

In 2019 Anahí was the Provincial Champion of Women’s Malambo for the district of Buenos Aires. Anahí also holds a university degree in folklore with a specialization in tango and Folkloric Dance from the National University of the Arts (UNA). She is a tango instructor at the Tango Educational Center of Buenos Aires (CETBA) and the folklore instructor at the Interamerica Confederation of Dance (CIAD.) Anahí has also studied contemporary dance, ballet, urban dances, modern Cuban dance, and Afro-Contemporary dance. She also has a degree in History of the City of Buenos Aires from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA.)