November-December 2022: Jonas Aquino and Xiaomin Jiang

Since 2007, Jonas has been teaching classes regularly and DJing at tango events around the United States and beyond, in particular highlighting at the Taiwan Tango Marathon, San Diego Tango Festival, Austin Spring Tango Festival, DC Tango Holiday Marathon, the Southern California Tango Championship, and Nora’s Tango Week, and many other wonderful milongas throughout his travels.

Xiaomin began her tango journey in 2013, training to compete in the Argentine Tango USA Championship and was a semi-finalist in the Escenario Tango category as a first-time contestant in 2014. After immersing herself in dancing socially for a few years, Xiaomin began teaching and performing (improvisation and choreography) in 2016.

Jonas and Xiaomin met each other on the social dance floors of the Tango community in the SF Bay Area around 2014, and became life partners shortly after. They have been teaching together since 2017, hosting the All-Nighter milonga and Monday Practica at The Beat since 2018, and managing SF Loves Tango since 2019. They are known for teaching beginner classes and the milonga, a fun and playful form of tango! They most recently taught classes at the YWCA Berkeley/Oakland, the Argentine Tango Club of Berkeley, and Abrazo Queer Tango.

Visit their Facebook page and follow them on Instagram for the latest updates!

Info on Wednesday classes at La Bruja